When you run a business, work can ebb and flow, and unexpectedly busy periods can create too much work and stress for your team or business. But if the surge is seasonal or unreliable, you don’t necessarily want to commit to taking on another employee. This is where outsourcing could give you some flexibility during the busy times.
Some tasks are more suitable to outsourcing than others, but a good place to start is tasks that your business has low expertise in, or aren’t passed around like a hot potato.
Some tasks you could consider outsourcing are:
If you’re tempted to start outsourcing some tasks, we can help with the last two roles on the list. We assist a number of clients with payroll and bookkeeping. For the other tasks, there are plenty of platforms and organisations that can help you. Sometimes, friends or other business owners will know of someone who’s able to assist in that area.
While outsourcing takes a bit of time to set up, the long-term benefits make it worthwhile, especially if you have the flexibility to increase the number of tasks that are outsourced based on your business needs.
Considering outsourcing and wondering how much to spend or where to start – or you need help with accounts and payroll? Get in touch, we’d love to help.
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