If you’re looking for ways to help keep your costs under control, have you asked your team their thoughts? If you make your team part of the solution and explain how costs affect the business, they can get involved in reducing business expenses. Involving them in reviewing your systems for cost control and quality assurance as their commitment could make all the difference. Here are some tips to help you keep your costs under control.
Look at the systems around your costs – are the systems unnecessarily driving costs? If your business ships baked goods to supermarkets, is there wastage in spoiled or broken goods? Are freight and handling systems letting you down? Could different choices result in lower wastage and better delivery?
If customers are loving the new products you’re adding and revenue is also increasing, you can probably tolerate holding those additional products in inventory. However, if your customers are lukewarm, then it may be to look at simplifying your product offerings so you’re not holding as much costs in inventory.
If you’re always done it this way, does it need to be done that way? Is there a cost in the system because you've 'always' paid for it. If so, review which costs are necessary as you may be able to simply this process to make savings.
Is there an alternative, less expensive option? Can a cheaper brand do the job or is it worth the expense to obtain the quality essential for the business?
When reducing costs it also pays to tighten up your financial controls. Recent scams have included legitimate invoices which have been changed to the scammers bank account details and both the customer and supplier are on the losing end of the deal. Make sure your financial controls are robust and query a change in bank account details with a real person (preferably one you already know) at the actual business.
Good cost control practices evaluate whether expenses are reasonable and affordable. Involving the whole team can help your business stay competitive and ready for growth.
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